Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Goodbye

Making music (in and outside of The Sleepers) has always been a cathartic exercise for me. But in the last two years I have been grappling with personal circumstances which have sadly made that catharsis more and more elusive.

At the beginning of 2009 my family suffered through a tragic situation (my closest friend and bandmate, Nicolai was there for support at the drop of a hat.) I was also retrenched – a week before A Signal Path was launched, no less. I have spent the better part of these last two years trying to juggle finding decent work, freelancing, singing and handling band administration. It’s been a mad scramble to find my footing again, on every level.

I won’t divulge every last reason why I’ve decided to bow out: I don’t think you – the reader, the audience, the fan – need to know every single one. But to every last person touched by the music of The Sleepers: I am sorry if you are saddened by my leaving.  

I hope the voice and ideas of someone else out there will fit in with this awesome music and group of talented and passionate musicians. I sincerely hope the new vocalist will bless the band with the talent, tenacity and resources necessary to take them to new heights.

As for myself, I will be carrying on with Tape Hiss and Sparkle, but will probably only play now and again. I’ll also be going back to punishing some canvasses and then punishing your eyes with them too.

To Jordi, Nicolai, Carly, Adam, Steve, Chris and all the fans, friends and families that have supported me as the lead singer of this band, I thank you for the past seven years. It’s been a GREAT honour to sing for you. I would like to thank you SO much for listening. You have all made me feel incredibly blessed.



  1. thank you tecla! thanks for all your support and kind words over the years. groot liefde chick lady. - sy sy
